Merry December!
Well, it's the 10th of December and we got our first dusting of snow yesterday. Even though we don't have the white stuff to put us in the mood for Christmas, we certainly have each other!
So many customers come in everyday sharing a story of their family or friends, sometimes good, sometimes sad. But regardless, they are sharing the stories of their lives, extending their family and inviting me and other customers in the shop to become part of that expansion. It's a lovely gift that people don't even realize they are sharing!
Everyone is part of the 'bigger' picture, we just get so busy with the micro-ness of our lives that we forget about those others around us that are a part of us.
So, during this season try to keep in mind to smile at your fellow human being, hold the door open for your brother or sister of the world and keep a spot warm in your heart for another. That's what this season is all about! And I feel it! Even without the snow!
Happy Holidays everyone!